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NEPA Outdoors & Arts Expo

The Downtown Pittston Partnership and Cliff View Productions are teaming up to offer the inaugural NEPA Outdoors and Arts Festival. This festival will bring regional outdoors enthusiasts and artisans together in downtown Pittston at The Tomato Festival lot on Saturday April 22nd, 2023 (rain date Sunday April 23).



Lu Lacka Wyco Hundo in downtown Pittston. p: B. Buckley

Pittston 2nd Friday art walk. P: T. Staudenmeier Visit NEPA

This celebration will happen in conjunction with the Lu Lacka Wyco Hundo, a cycling event that draws almost a thousand people to Pittston every year, so this will be an opportunity to get your business, products, and causes in front of a wide audience but stay close to home.


We are envisioning a blend of folks that are artists, outdoor outfitters, community groups, outdoor products, brewers, event promoters, etc. If you are doing something great in NEPA, you are welcome.

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ATV Riding. P: DCNR

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